Im Juni hatten wir Julia Mace zu Gast. Vier Wochen lang hat uns die Mathematikstudentin aus den USA im Fachbereich Medienmanagement vor allem durch Übersetzungen unterstützt. Hier erzählt sie selbst von ihrer Zeit in der Hansestadt.
Und wir sagen Danke, Julia! Danke für Deinen Support und Deine wahnsinnig wertvolle Hilfe in dieser Zeit!
Besuch aus den USA

Julia Mace on the Elbphilharmony Plaza
My name is Julia Mace and I the spent June 2019 interning for the Media Management department at Hamburg Media School. I’m from Kutztown Pennsylvania in the US, a small town that’s an hour outside Philadelphia. I live with my parents who are both university professors, and two younger sisters. Traveling abroad is hardly a new experience for me—this is my 5th time visiting Germany and 9th time traveling abroad. I’ve just finished my first year at West Chester University where I’m completing a bachelor’s degree in mathematics with a German minor.
When I got the chance to work for the school for a month and translate some things for them to be used on the different study abroad opportunities and international relations at HMS, of course, I jumped on the opportunity. I’m not one to say no to a chance to travel abroad. The next few months I spent getting everything together that I would need when I was overseas!
When I got the chance to work for the school for a month and translate some things for them to be used on the different study abroad opportunities and international relations at HMS, of course, I jumped on the opportunity. I’m not one to say no to a chance to travel abroad. The next few months I spent getting everything together that I would need when I was overseas!
June 8th – June 9th: Today’s finally the day! After saying goodbye to my friends and family, my mom and I drove to the JFK airport so I could catch my flight to Frankfurt, Germany, and thankfully it was an uneventful flight. I arrived at the Frankfurt airport, and went to catch the train that would take me up to Hannover where I met my friend Nathan, who’s been studying in Hildesheim this year. It was a bit of a challenge getting my brain to think and process things in German again, when I haven’t done it for close to 6 months. At the end of the night I was wiped! I did feel like I had more language skills than I’d remembered, which was super exciting to me!
June 10th - June 14th: Having spend the weekend in Hannover, I took the train to Hamburg and I spent the first week working on translating the website and getting to know everyone in the media management department as well as figuring out the bus system, learning where the grocery store was, and figuring out how to use the U-Bahn. Nathan came and spent a couple days with me and showed me some of his favorite places in Hamburg like the Philharmonic, the canals, and some little back alleys with small shops. It was a great first week and I managed to get adjusted to the time difference! Yay for minimal jetlag!
June 15th – June 21st: The weekend of the 15th I took a train to meet my dad and younger sister in Prague. They’d been in Austria for the past couple of weeks while my dad taught a study abroad class there. It was great to see them, and Prague was absolutely gorgeous! We toured around the old streets, toured the castle, and of course tried some traditional Prague food. My favorite was this dessert we tried called Trdelnik! Delish! The rest of the week, I spent hard at work, finishing up a couple of sections from the brochure about the school, as well as pages for the website, and even compiled some information about how HMS could improve and better utilize their LinkedIn page.
On Wednesday, I went with Jil and Sabrina from the Hamburg Media School department to a daylong class on data analysis, and it was pretty interesting! We learned some basic Python skills and talked about how data can be must usefully analyzed. On Thursday, I went to one of the lectures that was a part of the Online Marketing Camp happening at the school. It was about Influencer Marketing, and definitely sparked my interest for thinking about how social media can be utilized as a marketing tool. I also couldn’t believe that I was already half way through this amazing experience! These first two weeks had gone by faster than I thought they would!
On Wednesday, I went with Jil and Sabrina from the Hamburg Media School department to a daylong class on data analysis, and it was pretty interesting! We learned some basic Python skills and talked about how data can be must usefully analyzed. On Thursday, I went to one of the lectures that was a part of the Online Marketing Camp happening at the school. It was about Influencer Marketing, and definitely sparked my interest for thinking about how social media can be utilized as a marketing tool. I also couldn’t believe that I was already half way through this amazing experience! These first two weeks had gone by faster than I thought they would!
June 22nd – June 27th: Friday after work, I took the train down to Hannover to visit see my dad and sister before they headed back to the states on Sunday. On Saturday morning, Nathan came up again, as did a former exchange student, Jillian! I hadn’t seen her in 4 years, so it was lovely to catch up and spend some time together. We spent the day canoeing on some of the rivers in Hannover, and although it was a lot more work than we thought, it was also a lot of fun!
At HMS I worked on another brochure and finished that in a couple of days and also began writing up a text for students from other countries who are interested in studying at the Hamburg Media School. They currently don’t have any information about their exchange program on their website, and while they have a few international students, the goal is to potentially reach more. After work, I spent a bit of time wandering about in a nearby park. Everyone keeps telling me that the weather is being unusually gorgeous, and I’m definitely doing my best to take full advantage of that.
At HMS I worked on another brochure and finished that in a couple of days and also began writing up a text for students from other countries who are interested in studying at the Hamburg Media School. They currently don’t have any information about their exchange program on their website, and while they have a few international students, the goal is to potentially reach more. After work, I spent a bit of time wandering about in a nearby park. Everyone keeps telling me that the weather is being unusually gorgeous, and I’m definitely doing my best to take full advantage of that.
June 28th – June 30th: On Friday the 28th, I woke up at the ungodly hour of 03:00 to catch the train to Amsterdam! Nathan and I had decided to meet there for the weekend, because it’s one of the big European cities that neither of us have been to. We arrived around 11:00 and tooled around the streets and canals until we had to go meet our AirBnB host in the nearby city, Utrecht. On Saturday morning, we came back into Amsterdam and biked around, going past the Anne Frank House, the Rijksmuseum, and countless flea markets and adorable cafes. The weather was incredible, and we found a little fountain to dip our feet into once it got too hot. It was such a lovely weekend, and Amsterdam is a beautiful city! Definitely go visit if you get the chance.
July 1st – July 5th: This is my last week at Hamburg Media School! I can’t believe how fast this month has gone. This last week, I edited and reformatted a presentation that can be used to explain what HMS is, and contacted a few universities in the United States to learn about their exchange programs, to see if HMS would be interested in forming a partnership with them. I also finished this blog post!
Thank you, Hamburg Media School Media Management, for letting me come work here and have this amazing experience! It is definitely something I’ll never forget, and I can’t wait to come back and visit everyone!
Thank you, Hamburg Media School Media Management, for letting me come work here and have this amazing experience! It is definitely something I’ll never forget, and I can’t wait to come back and visit everyone!